STD testing serves a useful purpose for women and men alike. STD tests, also known as sexually transmitted disease tests, can be broken down into two broad categories: screening STD tests and confirmatory STD tests.
In the case of screening tests after an exposure to STDs, your doctor will take a swab from an infected area or draw blood to determine whether you have been exposed to a specific type of STD. If your STD check in Singapore comes back positive for any one of many different common STDs, then you may have to undergo further testing to accurately diagnose exactly which particular STD you have contracted.
On the other hand, if the screening test comes back negative for any commonly tested STDs, that does not necessarily mean that you are free from infection (that’s if you’re certain you were exposed to STDs). For this reason, you will still have to undergo a confirmatory test.
If the confirmatory tests come back positive for any one of many common STDs, then you will be diagnosed with that particular STD. However, if it comes back negative, don’t assume that you’re in the clear.
Many doctors believe that it is possible to contract more than one type of STD at once, which can make it hard to diagnose accurately without multiple STD tests. Additionally, some rarer types of STDs may not show up on either screening or confirmatory tests; in these cases, your doctor may recommend an additional type of testing, known as expanded STD testing.
Where to Get STD Testing Near Me
There are many advantages to using a dedicated medical testing clinic near you in Singapore such as The Health Advisory Clinic for your STD testing needs. In addition to offering a comprehensive range of screening and confirmatory tests, we will also provide you with a comprehensive report that will give you detailed information on the results of your tests.
For this reason, if your doctor detects an infection, they may recommend that you visit us for additional testing to get more specific data about which exact type of STD you have contracted. In addition to making it easier for your doctor to determine precisely which particular STD has been detected, our report will also include details about how long it takes the average infected person to show symptoms–as well as when they should begin receiving treatment for their condition.
Generally speaking, treatment can begin as soon as you have been diagnosed with an STD. If it comes back positive, we will provide you with all of the necessary resources that can help you to begin receiving treatment immediately. In these cases, even though certain types of STDs such as Gonorrhea and Chlamydia only take a few days to show symptoms (or none at all), we recommend that you start treatment ASAP to avoid further complications down the road.
In other cases, such as when it comes to herpes and HIV testing–and many other rarer forms of STD which may not be detectable through screening and confirmatory tests alone–we recommend waiting until your doctor has scheduled a follow-up appointment before beginning any type of treatment. However, even though treatment may not be an immediate necessity, it is important that you continue to see us for regular STD testing every three to six months. With that being said, if you’re looking for where to get STD testing near you in Singapore, be sure to check The Health Advisory Clinic.
What should I do if I Receive a Positive Diagnosis?
You don’t have to fret if your results for your STD check in Singapore reveal that you have contracted any one of many common types of STDs–including Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Herpes, HPV (Gardasil), HIV, Trichomoniasis, or syphilis. We can provide you with all the necessary resources needed to begin receiving treatment immediately.
However, please keep in mind that even though treatment can begin before receiving your test results (especially if you show symptoms); the average person will not show any signs of infection for about two weeks after first contracting an STD—depending on the disease. For this reason, it is important that you continue coming back to The Health Advisory Clinic’s dedicated testing center every few months so that we can provide you with regular STD testing.
If your positive diagnosis turns out to be something other than one of many common STDs, then you may need additional testing before beginning treatment. Even so, at The Health Advisory Clinic, we provide comprehensive screening and confirmatory tests for many rarer forms of STDs, including Epstein Bar Virus (EBV), Hepatitis B & C, Mycoplasma genitalium, and Trichomoniasis.
How to Prepare for STD Testing
To achieve the most accurate results possible, it is essential that all patients carefully follow the instructions provided by their doctor before receiving an STD test. In addition, if your doctor orders additional tests such as expanded STD testing (which involves obtaining a blood sample from a number of different areas on your body), then please make sure that you book an appointment at least two weeks before taking a trip to one of our testing centers.
Most importantly, it is crucial that you refrain from engaging in sexual intercourse until your doctor has provided you with a green light. The results from your STD check in Singapore may not be accurate if the specimen we collect is interfered with.
The Bottom Line
At The Health Advisory Clinic, we understand that visiting an STD testing center can be a nerve-wracking experience. That is why we pride ourselves on providing our clients with the highest quality of care available in Singapore while also making it as easy and convenient as possible for you to get tested for STDs. If you have any questions or concerns about receiving STD testing near me, please do not hesitate to give us a call today so that one of our trained staff members can provide you with all the information needed to make an informed decision. Call: (+65) 6226 6442.
The Health Advisory Clinic
#04-49 One Raffles Place
1 Raffles Place, Singapore 048616
+65 6226 6442