Premature ejaculation is a common sexual problem. It is where the male ejaculated too soon during sex. A study looking at 500 married couples from five different countries discovered that the average time taken for the male to ejaculate during sex was around 5-a-times. But it is up to every man to decide how long sex ought to last, there is no definitive definition as to how long sex ought to last.
According to sexual therapists, there are a few factors which may cause premature ejaculation. SSRIs or Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors can cause and increase in the amount of testosterone in the body. This increase in the amount of testosterone will alter the brain chemistry causing mood swings and other changes in sexual desire. Some men also have problems with low sperm count, which can be caused by decreased levels of semen due to lower levels of sperm count. Another possible cause of premature ejaculation could be that the nerves that control the organs are not fully developed and some men have nerve issues that will make it hard to experience an orgasm without going crazy.
Premature ejaculation, as well as relationship issues, can be treated through couples therapy. This is where both partners participate in a couples therapy session. The goal of the couples therapy is to find a solution that works for the couple.
One way to treat premature ejaculation and other relationship issues is through exploration. exploration is defined as “an act of widening and expanding the range of options available to you”. When you explore your body, you open up a world of ideas and options that before now you may have not even considered. As you explore your body, you may start to learn new techniques that will help you delay ejaculation and enjoy sex much more. This will also increase your sexual pleasure, as well as make it easier to get the desired result.
Many couples do not realize that premature ejaculation has a physical reason. The penis is a muscle and as the muscle becomes more sensitive it becomes more likely to over-exert itself. Over time this causes it to weaken and fail. If this happens on a regular basis then it is called “neurosis”. Neurosis can occur in anyone, not just people who experience premature ejaculation.
SSRIs or Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors are known to combat and successfully treat neurosis. They are available in both a generic form and a brand name pill. Taking these medications is effective for both mild and severe cases of neurosis. These medications are not only used for the treatment of premature ejaculation, but they can also be used for treating erectile dysfunction, as well as other conditions like headaches, asthma, constipation, and many more.
Millions of men around the world suffer from premature ejaculation. It can often lead to relationship complications as well as embarrassing discussions in the bedroom. This is because the man cannot control when he ejaculates. This problem can even hinder a woman from becoming intimate with her partner as she is afraid that the man will ejaculate before, during or after sex. Premature ejaculation is not uncommon and millions of men have problems with it, but there are methods available that can help those who suffer from it.
SSRIs are some of the most commonly prescribed medications for premature ejaculation. They are also known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and they are commonly used as anti-depressants. Other SSRIs, which can be prescribed to treat this condition include fluoxetine, paroxetine and sertraline. You will usually have to take these kinds of SSRIs for at least one or two weeks before experiencing the full effects.
However, SSRIs have some drawbacks as they have been linked to the development of severe sexual dysfunction as well as other medical conditions like diabetes and gallbladder disease. Because of this link, many doctors and other medical professionals believe that SSRIs should not be used for patients who suffer from premature ejaculation. Many researchers feel that the link is purely psychological. Other studies show that there is actually a strong link between exposure to sexual stimuli and the onset of erectile dysfunction. Since ED is a cause of psychological stress, which can cause other psychological problems like anxiety and depression, it makes sense to find a solution that can relieve the stress without worsening the sexual dysfunction.
There is another possible way to treat premature ejaculation. It involves deep breathing exercises, which have been shown to improve sexual dysfunction in a number of people. Studies also show that there is a strong link between early ejaculation and anxiety. Anxiety usually stems from feeling inadequate about the quality of the partner’s orgasm or from feeling tense about being thrusting too rapidly. Studies also show that premature ejaculation and stress go hand in hand.
If your partner has been complaining that you are having problems with premature ejaculation, you should consult your doctor about your problem. Your doctor may suggest a number of lab tests to find out the cause of your problem. One such test is an examination called the capacitance maze. This test shows that the amount of time it takes for an erection to form between you and your partner is linearly related to the level of sexual stimulation you receive. The higher the level of sexual stimulation your partner receives, the longer and more intense the erection.
If you think that premature ejaculation may be the cause of your low sex life, you should take steps to correct this problem. The good news is that almost every medical condition can be treated. If your doctor does not think that the problem is serious enough to require surgery or other drastic measures, then you can consider a number of natural remedies. These will improve your sex life and increase your overall health. If your sexual dysfunction is due to a medical condition, then you should contact your doctor and arrange for proper treatment.