
Insomnia: Signs That It Is Urgent To Act

Did you know that we spend about a third of our lives sleeping? This high figure is sometimes misunderstood by people who have insomnia. Sleep is vital for human beings since it has restorative and regulatory functions on a person. The symptoms of insomnia are numerous, which you will discover in this article. If repeated sleep deprivation has a devastating effect on cognitive functions and the development of psychic disorders, many signs can be spotted and allow you to take charge of your sleep disorder.

You Feel Tired When You Wake Up

Chronic insomnia can lead to other symptoms, such as feeling tired when you wake up. Have you ever felt more tired when you wake up than when you go to bed? This is due to poor quality of sleep. Frequent awakenings and difficulty falling asleep can be the source of your fatigue and you need supplements like LiceDoctors for example to help you sleep.

This feeling is a signal your body sends to make you understand that this way of life does not suit it. For example, if you’ve recently changed your pace, your body may show displeasure in this way. It can be overwork, excessive sport, or even addictive behavior such as video games that change your functioning, which is not optimal for your body and your quality of life.


An inadequate or unbalanced diet can also cause difficulty falling asleep and make you feel tired when you wake up that is why charlotte lice treatment for example is needed.

To remedy this fatigue, it is essential to understand the origin of your chronic insomnia. By understanding and analyzing this cause, you can more easily find solutions to get back to a proper sleep pattern. On the other hand, if you do not explain this difficulty sleeping, it may be a sleep disorder and, in this case, severe insomnia. It is essential to treat it to regain your balance and put an end to morning fatigue.

You Are Anxious About Spending The Next Night

Another symptom of insomnia is worrying about going to sleep. Have you ever said to yourself, “I dread going to bed. » or « I hope that tonight I will be able to sleep? Asking yourself these questions before bed makes you anxious and decreases your chances of sleeping well.

Anxiety is the number one enemy of sleep. Evening anxiety is a form of neurosis that appears at nightfall when you are approaching bedtime. You may then feel panic (heart palpitations, breathing difficulties, etc.). As with phobias, anxiety can cause significant physical symptoms in your body and mind. Thus, you may experience the fear of going to sleep which increases as your day progresses.

Evening anxiety can be recognized by digestive signs with abdominal pain, nervous signs with dizziness, ringing in the ears, or major headaches, for example. To avoid worrying about your next night and to put the odds on your side to sleep better, we advise you:

  • To play sports at the end of the day to soothe your ailments of the day
  • To have a balanced lifestyle
  • Go to bed thinking about the positive things about your day

Because of not being able to find sleep, your bedroom has become synonymous with nervousness and anxiety. This is normal when severe insomnia creeps into your daily life. To overcome it, you will have to work on your anxiety management.

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